Get Bent

It’s “Go Fuck Yourself” season.

The last nine months were the most exciting and stressful months of my life, so no one had better fuck with me. It’s time for me to relax and enjoy my little side hustle and reap the rewards of my patience and hard work. Don’t bug me, and go fuck yourselves.

I’ve been muttering “Go fuck yourself” under my breath for the past three weeks, randomly. To a loud truck gunning its engine past my house. To a credit card company that rejected me in the past but is suddenly dying for my business. To a campus that suddenly wants to hire me.

And to Dr. Jordan Peterson.

Despite whether you feel he is dangerous, an insurgent, an insurrectionist, a white supremacist or a “Nazi,” I’m a fan of Jordan Peterson. What can I say, I like his podcasts, his interviews, his books, his philosophy. I’ve blogged about him before, here’s the link:

But Jordan has made a mistake. A big mistake. He left Twitter because of the mistake. And that mistake was claiming that model Yumi Nu was not beautiful. Yumi Nu who just made the 2022 Sports Illustrated cover. He tweeted:

“Sorry. Not beautiful.” Here’s the link:

Big mistake, Dr. Peterson. Look at her again, and try not to focus on the fact that she’s not sickly skinny like your wife and daughter, and really LOOK AT HER.

She’s gorgeous. Drop. Dead. Gorgeous. Look at her eyes. Her skin. Her lips, her pearly whites, her glow. Her body, for Christ’s sake. What the hell is wrong with you? She wouldn’t give you the time of day if she met you in public. I mean, I am still a fan of yours, but seriously, Dr. Peterson:

Go fuck yourself.

I’m tired. Read the article for more detail. Have a great weekend, ya’ll.