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I’m giving an important work presentation on Wednesday, and I need to save it on a USB. I wasn’t having any luck finding one yesterday in my computer bag.

Desperate to not have to drive to Staples in the summer crowds, I reached first into my mind, and told myself I would find a USB, and that I would manifest it. Then I reached into a small side pocket, and felt a USB snuggled all the way at the bottom.


(You can manifest negatively too, don’t forget. You know when someone you don’t care for just keeps showing up everywhere you go? That’s because your thought processes are passionate, and the Universe feels the desire and the passion you feel about that person and wants to give you what you want. It doesn’t discern that the feelings are negative, it will just bring that person to you over and over and over. How about when you go to the store with your hair a rat’s nest and your ass in old sweats, and you panic, thinking, “I swear to God, if I see anyone I know looking like this…,” and yep. You see your crush, your ninth-grade English teacher, your dentist and your kid’s hot soccer coach. The Universe doesn’t discriminate in its manifesting. If you think hard on it, no matter if it is a victory, a defeat, or a pain-in-your-ass, it will be delivered to you on a silver platter, voila! More detail will be in my book).

When I plugged the USB into my Mac to save my presentation, I waited for the SanDisk’s orange glow to begin pulsating, like ET’s heart inside of the plastic bag. Suddenly some old documents popped up.

“Electronics,” one document was titled.

“Cursing,” was another.

“Mean Kids.”




What the…. I thought, and I began to click through them. I read and read, and didn’t stop laughing for an hour.

I had unwittingly unearthed archives from when I wrote the “South Jersey Mom” blog for the Atlantic City Press, blogs that were never published because my budget got cut. In these funny little pieces my twins are 12 and Tommy is 8, an eight-year old then who turns 19 today, July 6th, 2021.

Finding these pieces was a revelation for more than one reason, the main being that in ten days I leave for a writing sabbatical in New England, and as I won’t have time to blog, I was originally just going to post videos that week. Now, I can post these throwback pieces. What fun.

Another revelation is my writing voice in these pieces. It’s more stressed, more divisive, less centered. And my late husband takes center stage in a couple of them, and it occurs to me that the way you write about someone when they are alive is much different than the way you write about them when they are gone.

But I’m going to publish them, as is. They were written eleven years ago, and while that is a chronological speck when we consider the amount of time humans have been on Earth, to me it’s a lifetime. If you took the person I was ten years ago and put her in a room with me now, I probably wouldn’t recognize her. And I certainly wouldn’t have anything to do with her.

She was a mess. But dang was she funny.

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