
I promised you hiking spots today, but it’s not going to happen. Ironically I’m in one of my favorite hiking spots right now, but I underestimated the drive time, and it’s late on Thursday night. So let me just catch you up on some Chrysalis Collective haps, and send you into your weekend.

Widow and Widower Meetup Group. People have been asking me for a long time to start a Meetup Group for 55+ widows and widowers, and the demand is high. So I put one together on a lark last weekend, and decided to just check in on it. It already has 45 members ready to get started. So please send the link to any widow or widower you know, because we’ll be planning our first event soon. Make sure you tell them this is not a grief group- it’s a life group, a place to come to discuss change, transition, travel, and career. Tell them to contact me if they have any questions. As expected there are more widows than widowers. Want to take a guess why? It’s a chapter in my book coming out next year, so I’ll give you a preview: widows use their widowhood for improvement, career and travel. Widowers grieve for awhile, and then look for another woman to take care of them. Don’t get your panties in a wad, this is statistically proven. Men can’t be alone. And single women LOVE widowers, can’t get enough of them, so widowers get snapped up. That’s why you’ve probably never met a widower. They remarry almost immediately.


The Chrysalis Collective will be featured in the winter edition of Bella Grace magazine, so look for it soon. We will have a stand-alone article on “Things to Do Just Because.” It is a great honor to be featured in a nationally-ranked magazine, and we’re so honored and excited!

Newletter. If you have signed up for my newsletter, I can’t apologize enough if you haven’t received anything. I will be investigating Mail Chimp this weekend to figure out where your emails are going.

Chrysalis Collective Store. Soon there will be downloadables, coffee mugs with the Chrysalis Collective logo, and Chrysalis Collective flip desk calendars, just to start. You can define “soon” as 2022. Have patience with me readers, I took on a lot of teaching this semester, so I do as much CC stuff on the weekends as I can.

Media. I have been appearing on national podcasts and radio shows since my publicity summit ended, and it has been so fun. I will be doing media all of 2021-2022, so if anyone wants to check out my Press Kit, send it along to any media that is interested. But don’t wait, my calendar is already booking into 2022. If you’re not sure what I present on, email me and I’ll send you my One-Sheet.

maryoves.com. Hey, I have an author site as it turns out! When I asked my BRILLIANT AND PATIENT website designer if I could buy maryoves.com, she informed me that we already did. So if anyone wants to search for me that way, it defaults to CC. Kinda cool how smart other people are.

Native products. Have you checked out their new Coffee Haus collection? Why not? Get to it!!! Just kidding, but they’re all so delicious and yummy, I don’t know why people still buy smelly, boring drugstore products when you can use safe and environmentally-friendly products that smell like scents such as Oat Milk Latte and Matcha and Sweet Cream. Oh, and they have plastic-free containers. But be dull and boring, see if we care.

Billy Joel. Billy has his own channel on Sirius channel 60 for the month of October. Just a side-note!

Carpe Diem!!