Toss “Em!

Better Homes and Gardens recently published an interesting article titled “19 Household Items That You Should Have Tossed Long Ago.” Despite sounding mildly accusatory, here it is if you want to read it. It’s a good piece and made me realize how I become attached to certain things, and despite sage advice, will still not toss.

Sorry, not sorry.

Dish sponges. Yeah, they gross me out. I toss them as soon as possible.

Expired condiments. I’m doing this before I leave for Florida. I don’t want to come home to any expired ranch dressings or barbeque sauces, and I want my fridge SPARKLING.

Plastic containers. Most of my leftover containers are glass Pyrex. But if you haven’t heard, those plastic containers are not meant to be kept forever. The plastic breaks down and seeps into your food when you microwave it. Get rid of them if they smell, are stained, or don’t have a lid.

Pillows. No, don’t say dust mites. And don’t show me little microscopic pictures of them in my favorite pillows, it traumatizes me. I can’t get rid of my two favorite pillows, I can’t. I’m just going to keep washing them until I move or they fall apart.

Household cleaners. I can’t throw out my household cleaners, because they are human beings that come to my house and clean. Kidding aside, cleaners lose their effectiveness over time, so toss ‘em if they’re old. That last sentence is really funny if you personify the word “cleaners.”

Cooking oils, herbs and spices. I once baked a cake with old baking powder, and you can imagine how well it turned out. Some things just don’t age well. Toss ‘em or use ‘em.

Toothbrushes. NO! I WILL NOT TOSS MY TOOTHBRUSH! I finally have it broken in! I’ll just keep cleaning it, and if you must know, my teeth are no worse for wear. Everyone is doing just fine.

Photo negatives. I have already tossed mine, but it would be just my luck that I threw away, like, negatives from the Zapruder film.

Eye makeup. I use limited eye makeup, and what I buy, I use, fast. But if you have eye sensitivity, get rid of old eye makeup.

Business cards. I recently just tossed all business cards that identified me as “The Not-It Girl.” It felt good, but again, she was where I started. I’m still proud of her, even if no one else is.

Vitamins. We take our vitamins in my house. Throw out any old vitamins, because any health benefits have been lessened considerably.

Sunscreen. Easy one. Toss it from last summer.

Opened nail polish. Nail polish should be stored in cool dark places, so it doesn’t separate. If it is separated, toss it.

Gift cards. Well, check ‘em first. They might still work. Don’t go by the expiration date, you never know.

Opened wine. Yeah, no. Stale or not, it’s getting imbibed.

Opened paint. You ever notice when workers come to paint at your home, they leave the paint cans with you? Then you’re like, “Ok, now what?” The trash guys won’t take them, and what are the odds you’ll use them again? Unlikely. Opened paint is such a burden.

CDs. Yeah, tell me to toss my CD collection, then one day they will be worth a zillion dollars. I’ve fallen for that before. I have mine stored neatly and efficiently away where they won’t bother anyone.

Appliance manuals. Good one. As soon as I read this, I tossed a dozen of them. BHG is right, everything you need to know is on YouTube or the appliance websites.

Bleach. Common sense, I guess.

There you have it. Get to work!