
I’m brewing my coffee and waiting for the desert sunrise, and have no blog prepared. I could tell the story about how my friend and I got into our car after lunch yesterday, and that it took a full five minutes to realize it wasn’t ours. Or the story about how after my sunset hike yesterday, I entered my chalet, and it took me another full five minutes to realize that wasn’t ours. Or the fact that I hiked alone yesterday, and really and truly believed at one point that my worst fear had come true: that I was lost and alone on the trail. But that’s the end of the stories. Not funny, just kinda dumb. We all have dumb stories like that.

I have a few snippets left from my flight that don’t rate a whole blog on their own. And the sunrise is minutes away, and I don’t want to miss it. Wherever you are, no matter what your situation, I hope you are able to get up and enjoy the sunrise. If that is all you are able to do in your life, that’s not a bad life. To able to wake up, walk to the bathroom, brush your teeth, brew your coffee and watch the sunrise.

That’s a better life than most have. So remember to practice gratitude. I’ll have something better tomorrow.

“Group 1 Guy Who Has to be First in His Seat No Matter What” Starter Pack:

            Traveling Solo


            Baseball hat

            Whippet thin

            New Balance sneakers



Group 1 Guy hovering near me waiting to board asks me if I mind that he is standing so close to me, considering the “social distance” sign right near us. I felt like asking him that if he saw the sign, then why stand so close? But instead I answer, “You could crawl on top of me, and I wouldn’t care.” He looked at me funny, and I began to tell him I didn’t mean it like that, that it was simply my way of applauding his non-conformity. But I was bored, and I tend to say and do crazy shit when I’m bored, so I let him think what he wanted. He asked me where I was headed when I got to Phoenix, and I told him I was beginning my novice training in a convent. He left me alone after that.

What are people talking about at that counter when I’m waiting to board my flight? I’ve never stood at that counter in my life. Is it an information desk? Like, are people asking about what kind of plane it is, what kind of engine is inside it? If they can get discount coupons for water parks? Where the bathrooms are? The risk of crashing? The conversations seem so intense. And the attendants are always on the phone and always look like they’re ignoring the person asking the questions. It looks so one-sided. I never want to have any reason to stand at that counter.

I’m pretty sure my young seatmate is texting someone that “the woman who is sitting next to me is a total bitch.” Everyone always thinks I’m a bitch because I don’t engage in conversation. It’s o.k. Introverts of the world unite. Society needs to understand that we only have so much juice in our social batteries, and we can’t possibly squander any of it on a young twenty-something girl wearing a jean jacket. It is tragic. And I’m sorry. But It Is.

I’m considering asking Avis if they have any convertibles when I get to Phoenix. I have always wanted to drive a convertible through the desert, and I think it would be fun to sale through Sedona with my friend like we’re Thelma and Louise. At this I pause, remembering I need to be able to drive sober, and wishing once again that plane alcohol burned off faster than ground alcohol.