
The black comedy “Downhill” received mixed reviews, but I found it intriguing.

Watching this movie starring Julia Louise-Dreyfus and Will Ferrell is like spending two hours with a married couple who hate each other. They put on a good act, but the animosity between them is palpable. Suddenly, halfway through dinner, you realize that you’re enjoying yourself. That you can’t look away. Because you are forced to admit that being enmeshed in their misery is entertaining, because their unmitigated loathing of each other makes you feel better about your own relationship.

Human nature.

Rent it, but don’t blame me if you hate it. Despite their comedy chops, Louise-Dreyfus and Ferrell don’t crack any jokes in this film. None. Zero. That’s why it’s a black comedy, silly. When a devoted husband and father runs away from an avalanche instead of running towards his family to protect them, it tends to create, er, tension.

Enough of this, all I wanted to do was post some of my favorite movie ski scenes.

“Downhill.” This sole funny scene from “Downhill” is after Dreyfus spends the day with a hot young ski instructor, and then takes a “break” in the ladies room. Let’s just say that if it were Elaine Benes, she is most certainly not Mistress of Her Domain in this scene.

“Bridget Jones’ Diary.” This is just fun, and reminds me of the first time I skied with my late husband.

“Ski School.” This is one of the infantile kind of movies that appeals to my infantile sense of humor. This movie is all about drinking, sex and skiing, with a little intrigue thrown in for good measure. My friends and I used to take small ski trips in college, and the ski patrols are often like this. Super fun to rent and laugh. Here’s the trailer.

“Better Off Dead.” Before helmets, and when the inexperienced just wore jeans and Members Only jackets. John Cusack at his best.

Shana from “SNL.” Ski lodge skit. Kristen Wiig. Andy Samberg. Perfection. Do yourself a favor and watch to the end.