
What are the most pleasant jobs in the world?

A cuddle nurse in a maternity ward.

A cupcake decorator?

Maybe the owner of a kitten sanctuary, or the mascot of a beloved sports’ team?

Working at a fall farm market has to be up there in the rankings, right? While I’m sure there is the requisite hard work like planting, digging and hauling, I would think it goes without saying that selling pumpkins, gourds, corn stalks and hay bales to flannel-wearing, Frye boot-clad shoppers clutching pumpkin spice lattes must be, at the very bare minimum, pleasant as hell.

Everyone is so tickled-orange at fall farm markets. I’m thinking it’s the sweaters.

(Well, well, what do we have here? Is it a possible lead-in for a post about sweaters I am loving right now? Mmm kay)

Jenni Kayne Everyday Sweater ($145). Jenni is the Sweater-Queen, and her sweaters go all the way up to the 600 buck range. Egads. I can’t even get into her affiliate program yet, she’s so “big.” Nevertheless, I want to give props to this sweater that I own in a few colors. Taupe is my next conquest. I wear this sweater to cozy down on my patio paired a pair of fluffy sweatpants and a good book, or after a tough day on the hiking trails in front of the fire with a glass of wine.

Athleta Foresthill Ascent Turtleneck ($79). When I worked at Athleta, every customer who walked in was subjected to my tirade extolling the wonders of the black Foresthill turtleneck. There’s something about the ease of it, of tucking one side of it into a black pencil skirt, and being ready to teach for the day. I have two: one that I wear, and one with a price tag still on it in case something happens to the one I wear. If they discontinue it, I want to be prepared with a back-up. It’s that great a piece, and I have NEVER liked turtlenecks. It looks good on EVERYONE, I kid you not.

M.M. LaFleur Lea Sweater ($395). Gulp, I’m sorry, I know it’s pricey. But remember Dream Cart? All I bought for teaching this fall was this sweater and a blazer. This sweater can do anything- pair it with tights and boots, or with a pencil skirt and sling-backs, and it will work hard for you. Don’t wear this beautiful sweater with jeans, please, I beg you, not unless you’re 24 and hot. Jeans may never go “out of style” completely, but they go “out of style” for women after a certain age. I’ll post about it one day.

Macy’s Free People Open-Front Cardigan ($108). Open-front cardigans are so versatile. In the fall I’ll throw one on for teaching over a sleeveless sheath dress, or pull one over a tank top, tights and ankle boots when I run errands. I’ll grab it for an extra layer on cold winter months, or even over a sundress or a bathing suit for chilly nights on spring break. This cabernet color is so fall-a-licious.

Nadaam $75 Cashmere Sweater is famous for its price, color, and quality. You’ve never heard of Nadaam’s $75 cashmere sweater? Now you have. Over two dozen colors to choose from. Tbh, it doesn’t look good on my body type but non-curvy girls swear by it.

Lululemon Double-Knit Sweater Hoodie ($148). This dusky lavender color is so unexpected for fall, and that’s what I like about it. I like everything about it. The color, the hood, the ribbed and cropped nature of it. Just so pretty and delicate and casual and yummy.

Madewell Tipped Davie Polo Sweater ($89.50). Just click on the hyperlink and look at it, describing it won’t do it justice. So distinctive.

Jockey Fleece-Lined Wrap ($34.99) Did you know Jockey made sweaters? Me either! This caught my eye for the bulky oversized nature of it. It kind of looks like a bathrobe, so don’t think you’re going to be able to wear it to dinner, but it’s a great piece to throw on for some cuddle-warmth. And that price is limited, so grab it!

Everlane Chunky Cardigan ($110). This is the one. The sweater of the season. It features an exaggerated retro-inspired collar, a two-way zip front, blouson sleeves, and a cropped, rounded shape. Zip it all the way up for a big exaggerated collar. Comes in black, toasted almond and canvas.

Tomorrow: Halloween animatronics I’m loving right now!