
Hi. Sorry about Friday. If you read my Wednesday post, please be reassured that if you were reading my hypothetical beauty blog and compulsively adding up my monthly beauty expenses, you are waaaaaay off. Of course I don’t spend that amount of money on beauty and appearance every month. Please look up the word “hypothetical.”

I’m cheating today. I wasn’t going to share this until after Labor Day, but the house is empty and I want to take advantage by doing some important personal writing. So here’s a quick announcement.

Maybe you know about this, and maybe you don’t. Maybe you care, and maybe you don’t. But I have referred to my TED-talk as the second most important thing that has ever happened to my career.

The following is the first.

Press releases went out about it, and some local outlets picked it up. Some didn’t. Those last will not be granted an interview when I am a famous screenwriter. 

Yes, I’m that level of petty. Just watch me. 

In October I will be in Ohio for three weeks to accept an award, give a keynote, and observe and teach at the University of Dayton. I’m no name-dropper, but if I was, boy could I namedrop who I will be meeting with, sitting with and laughing with for this conference.

Thanks as always if you’re interested in me, I appreciate it. Enjoy.