Halloween Stuff

Have a great Halloween weekend. Here are five tricks-and-treats for you.

The 2021 Halloween Light House. These used to be simple videos made by Halloween lovers, now light houses are a major competition. Regardless, here is the best 2021 Halloween Light-Up house. It’s 20 minutes long, but fun and impressive to watch even if you only have a minute or two.

Funny Onion slideshow “Trick-Or-Treating Dangers Every Parent Should Watch Out For“:


“Veronica” and “It Follows.” If you don’t know by now that I am a horror movie buff, you’ve only just joined us. This past week I had a craving for something different, and my sons suggested “Veronica” and “It Follows.” Both deeply cinematic and disturbing on a level that is hard to put your finger on. “Veronica” is on Netflix, and “It Follows” can be rented on Hulu or Amazon. Neither end well, so prepare yourself.

Candy Corn Martini. Is there any candy more Halloween-esque than candy corn? If so, I can’t think of it. This adorable drink is the candy corn every adult dreams of getting in their trick-or-treat bag. It’s a layer of grenadine topped with a layer of vodka and pineapple juice and some fluffy, tasty whipped cream on top. It looks just like candy corn in a glass, tastes terrific, and will have you doing the Monster Mash in no time.

Fun Halloween stuff. Super fun slideshow to enjoy the Halloween weekend.

If worst comes to worst, watch the Eagles (2-5) play the Detroit Lions (0-7) on Sunday. That’ll scare the shit out of you for sure.