To the Class of 2021

As Thanksgiving looms and gives off its yummy feel-good vibes, I can’t help but feel for the senior high school students and athletes who won’t be able to enjoy their annual Thanksgiving and fall activities. You’re missing your Thanksgiving Day football games, hot dogs and hot chocolate from the concession stands, skipping class for hallway decorating, pep rallies in the gymnasium, NHS bake sales, homecoming parades, and even food drives. Bummer.

Some high school seniors are in-person, and are lucky to be getting the full senior experience. But not many. Most are either completely remote or hybrid, with sports and clubs and classes decimated with distancing and crowd rules. My heart aches for these seniors. And there are no qualifiers in my sympathy- no “I’m sorry, but there are worse things,” no “I’m sorry, but these are strange times,” no “I’m sorry, but think of all of the people getting sick,” no “I’m sorry, but everyone has missed something.”

NO. I taught high school seniors for thirty years, so I am intimate with how they think and how they feel about their senior year. And let me tell you, the class of 2021 knows perfectly well what they are missing.

Do you?

I know the schools, PTA’s, coaches, teachers and administrators are doing their best for these seniors. But no matter what we do, it’s not the same. It’s just not. And so, to the class of 2021, I would like to issue my own personal apology:

  • To the Senior Athletes who have been waiting their whole lives to perform in their sports as seniors. Whether you were waiting to be captain, to win State, or simply to finally get off the bench, we are sorry you are missing that. So sorry. You are missing the screams of a packed crowd, you are missing the thrill of performing in front of your parents, your family, your girlfriend, your entire community. You’re missing the opportunity to sink that three-pointer or pin your opponent in front of a packed sweltering gym filled with screaming fans. To cheer for your football team in front of the senior section on the sidelines. To make that tackle, to score that touchdown or goal, to swim that butterfly in record time. To be miserable in Saturday morning practices, to do homework on the bus ride home by the glow of your phone, to eat the stiff cold concession stand pizza after your match. Regardless of your current situation, seniors, I’m sure it does not resemble what you envisioned your whole life when you dreamed of your senior year. Even finally being able to drive to early Saturday morning practices with your friends instead of getting dropped off by your mom maybe has been stolen from you. And we’re sorry.
  • To the Senior Students who have been waiting their whole lives to shine academically. You are missing the competition of in-person academics and the drive for the highest GPA. You are being denied the opportunity to excel in the classroom. The honor of taking Calc with that really tough teacher who is so funny in person. Bopping into the guidance office to discuss college choices with your guidance counselor. Being in gym with your best friends. Taking Advanced Woodwork and making cool pens, doing tireless research on World War II in the library, taking AP tests in the spring after a long year of preparation, straggling into SAT’s dressed in sweatpants with a cup of coffee at 7:30 a.m. on a Saturday. You are missing sitting in a safe warm classroom with your friends and laughing uproariously at the class clown. You are missing listening to your favorite playlist in that laidback Art class. You are missing sneaking texts to your boyfriend in the back of the room. You are missing sculpting, painting, creating. You are missing group work in AP English, lab work in Chemistry, and field trips to museums for history. You are missing the hands-on face-to-face activity that brings one’s education to life. We know no amount of screen time can take the place of what you are missing in the classroom, and we’re sorry.
  • To the Senior Club Members who are missing their social and academic clubs. Maybe you were finally ready to beat the #1 player in Chess Club. Maybe you were going to run for president of the Student Council or Leadership Club. Maybe you wanted to run for class office. Maybe you were looking forward to finally standing on that auditorium stage for that NHS ceremony. Maybe you were going to travel for DECA or FFA, maybe you were excited about getting your work published in the school literary journal, maybe you were going to travel to states with Debate Club, maybe you were ready to build that robot in Robotics club. Whatever club you’re missing, we’re sorry.
  • To the Senior Drama Kids who are missing performing their art. If drama was a place of escape for you, a place for you to shine and show your distinctive talent in dance, song or theater, we are sorry you’re missing it. If you knew you were a shoe-in for the lead this year, we’re sorry. We are sorry that you’re missing those late-night rehearsals, the thrill of the stage, and the feeling at the end of a production when you know you have nailed it, because people look at you differently in the hallway the next day. You are missing the camaraderie with your fellow actors, breakfast at dawn before an early morning rehearsal, the smell of the theater and the stage, sweating under the lights, but knowing it is where you are born to be. Missing showing the people in school that you are not just that quiet shy waif who sits in the back of the classroom; rather, that you are a person with a voice so majestic that it can reach to the top of the auditorium rafters. Missing not being able to see but being able to sense your parents, friends, family, whomever, in the audience, feeling their love and pride seep through the dark and into you. If you’re missing any of that, we are sorry.
  • To the Senior Rest. Maybe you don’t play sports, you don’t like going to class, and you don’t care about clubs. So maybe you just miss your friends and know you will never experience complaining about senioritis in the parking lot with a buddy as you walk into school in the morning. Maybe you wanted to go out for the annual talent show because you’re funny as hell, and you were going to perform a comedy routine with a favorite teacher. Maybe your heart is broken because you missed your junior prom, and it looks like your senior prom is in jeopardy, also. Maybe you had assembled a kick-ass dodge ball team, and you were looking forward to winning the intramural tournament. Maybe you were going to lead the spirit section at football and basketball games. Maybe you were looking forward to wearing “beer goggles” and “crashing” the golf cart in the drunk driving assembly in the school parking lot. Maybe you’re a snappy dresser, but there’s no one to dress for at home. Maybe you were looking forward to sleeping in once a week for senior privilege. Maybe you were just looking forward to finally sitting at a senior lunch table. Maybe you were going to be in charge of senior prank, and now there won’t be one. Maybe for your whole life you hated school, but now you’d give anything to go back. For all of you, we are sorry you are missing it.

Someone had to say it.