Carry On

I’m proud to say that I have become an almost expert packer. I mean, there are professional “packers.” Seriously. They have websites, they are packing “coaches.” That’s not me, but I have my travel carry-on down to a science.

If you’re traveling this summer, and need a packing makeover, here are items you SHOULDN’T pack.

Heels you can’t walk in. Bring kitten heels or sling backs for dressy occasions. You’ll wear those high heels for 20 minutes, feel miserable, and long for your Ugg clogs.

A heavy raincoat. Bring a poncho, or a tiny umbrella. Those heavy raincoats take up way too much room.

Neck pillow. These are ridiculous. Don’t you feel ridiculous in them? What a waste of space. There are collapsible pillows that take up to no room.

A bunch of adaptors. Bring a universal adaptor, not a variety.

Dry clean clothing. Wash and wear. Wash and wear. Wash and wear. Get my point? Even my dressy clothes can be thrown in a washer and hung to dry.

Excessive skin care products. Get an all-in-one cream, or buy one at your destination.

Bon Voyage! Thanks to T&L for tips.