
My Halloween movie post is not ready, so here are a few things you might find interesting but which do not rate an entire post:

Yesterday I was caught up on the laundry for 32 minutes. Then my son walked in the door. Remember, that’s what you can accomplish when your children leave home. Never let go of the dream.

Fairbanks, Alaska received the most votes on low-humidity places to visit in September. Thanks to all respondents. But get this: at the time of this writing, while Fairbanks is 38 degrees, humidity is a whopping 87 percent. It is 51 degrees here with 66 percent humidity. I dunno.

The Container Store has a chip clip in the form of a pig that squeals four times when you press it. The implication is clear. I bought it. I had no choice.

There are twenty different ways to wear a Breton shirt, according to the email I just received. Twenty. Including wearing the shirt on your head as a mask. Those people in London have way too much time on their hands.

The Metropolitan streams free live opera, and last night I watched a performance of Le Nozze di Figaro. Just wow. Too late for that performance now, but others are streamed regularly.

My yard squirrels are spoiled. One in particular is now comfortable enough to walk into my foyer and stare at me with his little hands clasped together adorably in front of him as if to say, “Yo, bitch. Peanuts?”

Things to ban right now: the heart-shape people make with their hands which they then post on social media, plus the terms “new normal,” “unprecedented times” and “uncertain times.” This will never be normal. It is not unprecedented nor uncertain. Read a history textbook. And if anything has ever been made right by posting a heart with your hands through the sunrise, please let me know. I’ll be right on it.

A murder hornet was recently captured alive in the U.S. for the first time. An entomologist snagged him in a net. He remains free on bond and despite appearances, is not considered a flight risk.

Something I am loving right now is the Modern Citizen clothing brand, but I must say to them: your models are six-feet tall and your dresses and skirts still come down to their mid-calf. You must know that short women like myself cannot buy your clothes without looking like an Olsen twin. Bummer.

While driving to Philly today the same strange-looking airplane kept flying low overhead. It passed me one way, then another, then another. I wish I knew enough about aircraft to know what kind it was. It was some kind of strange hybrid, like that new Jeep pickup, or one of those camelback crickets, which actually resembles some kind of terrifying mutant spider.  And I also couldn’t help but think that if the plane crashed on top of me it would make a great blog.

Just saw on Instagram that there are supposedly workers in the Edinburg zoo whose job it is just to pick up penguins who topple over. Turns out the zoo is close to the airport, so when the penguins stare up at the planes, they topple over. I want this job. I need this job.