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Polar Opposites

How about that polar vortex, huh? It’s my fault.

I made some mistakes. Minor ones. I returned from Florida and it was 65 degrees, so I did my first winter to spring fashion closet switch. You know, pushing fleece and sweaters to the back of shelves, and putting linen and knit skirts to the front. Storing boots away and bringing out sling-backs and open-toed sandals.

Usually I don’t do my first switch until Easter weekend, but I had a touch of spring fever, what can I tell you? It was impetuous and the weather gods had a good laugh by striking us down with some cold weather. I loved it, though. Refreshing.

And I got excited because my first duck couple has returned for the spring. If you are new to my blog, let me fill you in: Mr. and Mrs. Duck have been returning every spring to hang out under my bird feeders and eat cracked corn and sunflower seeds. This will be their eleventh year, and I chart their return on my calendar. But the ducks who have arrived early are not the original Mr. and Mrs. Duck. This couple is skittish, and fly away if I even look at them.

Mr. and Mrs. Duck are not afraid of me, and they respond to the baby voice I use when I go into the house to get them corn. Sometimes they stand on my front stoop and look into the house, waiting for their treat.

I’m sure they’re on their way.

Five more things you can do to make sure the opposite happens:

If you take a bath, the phone or the doorbell will ring.

If you splurge on something you want, like an outfit or a big dinner, the next day your dryer or your car will break down.

If you accept an invitation to something you really want to go to, like a concert or a long weekend, work or family problems will crop up and try to prevent you from attending.

If you are working on an arduous project, like cleaning out your garage, the SECOND you finish your child will arrive home saying, “Can I help?”

If you are listening to your favorite song on your playlist through your car Bluetooth, you will receive an important phone call, drowning out your favorite part and forcing you to start it over.

It be like that.

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