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Monk Mode

One day I will write about October of 2022.

The Yin-Yang. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. The Wonder of It. About how events from the last five years finally converged into one loud noise called October 2022, thus changing the trajectory of my life.

But I’m still swirling around in it. You can’t write about the speed of the wind if you’re swirling around in a tornado.

So. I have just emerged from a self-imposed six-month long Monk Mode. If you aren’t familiar with it: Monk Mode = A Challenge + a Detox.

Here are the rules:

A definite start and stop date. My Monk Mode lasted from mid-April to October 1st.

A commitment to do certain amounts of certain kinds of work: The work I did this summer required me to be charming, gracious, cooperative, outgoing, patient, accepting, and unwaveringly generous. I rarely manifest all of these qualities simultaneously for such an extended amount of time.

A commitment to abstain from certain distractions or vices: I abstained from gossip. Complaining. Dating, socializing, drinking, phone usage, unhealthy eating, travel and unnecessary spending.

Definite rules for both commitments:

I would fast while at work, keeping my metabolism within my control and my brain sharp.

I would not sit down, building my endurance and lengthening my muscles.

I would not be late, call out of work for any reason, or ask for time off.

I would do more than was expected of me.

I would read two books a week.

I would write a minimum of two hours a day.

I would meditate and exercise every morning.

I would avoid sugar, carbs and unnecessary calories.

I did well. While I can’t give specific details since I’ll be writing it up as an essay for a magazine, here are my successes:

I was only late once due to a traffic detour, and once I had to leave an hour early.

(While I tried my best to avoid gossip and controversy, it tends to follow me wherever I go. I got through it).

I lost weight, my blood pressure went down, my endurance and vitality went through the roof, especially in the gym and doing my cardio.

And on Sundays, my day off, I let all rules relax. After church, anything went. Buy impractical baby blue platform clogs from Free People? Yep. Gin and tonics at 10:00 a.m. with wings, on the patio? Hell yah. Take five naps while binge-watching old movies? Indeed.

I vowed to leave Monk Mode the same way I started it: with joy in my heart. And I’m proud to say that at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday night, October 1, 2022, as I walked to my car with a big smile on my face, I knew I had accomplished my goal.

What a fantastic summer. And I still have October to look forward to. Chef’s kiss.

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