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The Bard

Stan from “South Park”: “Jesus tap-dancing Christ, is this thing ever gonna end?”

Today is St. George’s Day, so if you want to know a little about it, here’s a link:

Readers, I have to confess. I’m in a pickle. But as good luck would have it, I have decided to break the ice, come what may. But bear with me, because even my writing can be too much of a good thing. I mean, what’s done is done, and I don’t want to lead you on a wild goose chase and make a laughing-stock of myself in the process.

The above was not supposed to make sense, my lily-liver’d readers. Those are all just common phrases we use every day that can be attributed to William Shakespeare, whose birthday is today, April 23rd, St. George’s Day.

I’m not going to bore you with his biography or his writing style, but I have to say: I’m tempted. I used to torture my students every April 23rd, but now that I don’t have students to torture, my readers are the next logical choice.

But I won’t. Let’s get on with the weekend, shall we?

I can’t possibly address my love for Shakespeare in one blog post. But I miss teaching him- boy, do I miss teaching him. The soliloquies in Hamlet. Paradox and personification in Romeo and Juliet. Character development in Macbeth. I’m surprised we don’t hear anything on the news about retired English teachers just randomly showing up in public squares and forcing people to analyze his sonnets.

The perfect crime.

Anyway, that’s it for me for the week. I going to grab my college Shakespeare anthology and immerse myself in his language for a few hours. Probably “Twelfth Night.” I’m attaching a small “South Park” video for your enjoyment, as I used to for my students. In this video, the South Park boys watch the last scene in Hamlet at the Canadian Shakespeare Company. Stan, as always, can be counted on to be a total dick.

How much do I love “South Park”? Let me count the ways. That’s William as well. So have a great weekend, you starvelling, elf-skinned, dried neat’s-tongue, bull’s-pizzle stock-fish.

Nothing like a good Shakespearean insult to start the weekend off right. XXOO



Have some Fun