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Rules Schmules

I didn’t even see the pattern until my friend pointed it out.

“What pattern?” I asked her.

“That of you not being a rule follower. It’s been showing up in your blogs.”

Ah. Yes. Well, that’s partially true. I am kind of a rule-breaker, and it’s getting worse as I get older. I am easily bored, and breaking rules jars the monotony of life, and brightens my inner child. Rules suck, and they’re boring. I don’t like being a goody two-shoes, and I really really really don’t like being controlled or told what to do.

(Except in the bedroom. But that’s a story for another time. And another galaxy).

It’s like parking. I park in designated areas all the time, but if I can’t find a spot, and I think I can away with it, I park where I want. Ask my sons, because they’re usually my accomplices. If we go somewhere, and I can’t find a close spot, I’ll pull into some obscure zoned-off or yellow area.

“Ahem.” (Throat clear). “Mom, this isn’t a spot.”

“It is now. I park where I want.”

Sometimes I park so blatantly that I just assume I’ll have a ticket when I get out, but I never do. It’s not my fault there’s a flaw in the criminal justice system.

I’m not saying I’m right. But it doesn’t hurt anyone, and it’s not like I plunk my car down in handicapped spots. And of course I’m sorry about it afterward, and feel great shame for my transgressions (not). I mean, other than occasionally exceeding the speed limit, I think I’m a pretty good citizen.

I could tell a million stories about why I am constantly pushing the boundaries on rules- I’ve been like this my whole life. I’m sure there is a deep-seated psychological reason behind my rule-flouting, and it would be the same reason why I enjoy things like zip-lining, roller-coasters and spelunking. But at this point I’m too old to care. And you know what Katherine Hepburn said: “If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.”

Enjoy this silly video, but keep in mind that I would never dog-ear the pages of a library book. But as for the rest, yep. Life is just more fun that way, isn’t it?



Have some Fun