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I’d like to share my lasagna recipe with you today. This is a very special recipe, one that requires time and patience. Good luck.

Step 1: Crave lasagna.

Step 2: Buy lasagna noodles and place in pantry.

Step 3: Forget about them.

Step 4: Crave lasagna. Wish you had lasagna noodles.

Step 5: Buy another box of lasagna noodles and place in pantry next to first box.

Step 6: Boil water.

Step 7: Place first box of noodles in hot water.

Step 8: Reach in refrigerator for cheeses, and realize you don’t have any cheeses.

Step 9: Realize you’re too busy to go to the store again.

Step 10: Dispose of cooked noodles.

Step 11: Buy ricotta cheese on the way home from work.

Step 12: Get home and realize you forgot mozzarella.

Step 13: Rue the day you were born.

Step 14: Grab mozzarella on the way home from work.

Step 15: Get home and realize you have no sauce.

Step 16: Grab sauce on the way home from work.

Step 17: Assemble all ingredients, but cannot find the mozzarella.

Step 18: Realize your sons used the mozzarella to make midnight nachos.

Step 19: Order lasagna from the local Italian eatery.

Step 20. Enjoy.



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