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Sorry there was no post Tuesday, I fell asleep. Travel be being arduous. Usually I have some posts saved to publish at a later time, but I’m all out.

So I was sitting at a bar while waiting for my flight the other night, and I was lucky enough to sit near a strange man waiting for his Tinder date to show up. He made a big deal out of it to the bartender, announcing that “I’m meeting someone,” and that “she should be here any minute,” and that “I’ll bet she’ll have a martini.”

There was great fanfare when she showed up. She was very plain, and just as strange as her male companion, but they were very excited to be in each other’s company. His banter was cringe-worthy, and he ran out of game by approximately 5:46 p.m. I know this for a fact because when the silence hit, I texted it to myself so I wouldn’t forget.

I’m not trying to be mean spirited. We all have to do what we can now to meet people, but I have never heard a man work so hard to impress a woman as this man did.

He spoke of where he docks his yacht. His investment portfolio. The fact that his friend has three cars, two motorcycles, and “100k” in the bank. He literally said, “he got 100k in the bank.” After laughing off to the side so he wouldn’t see me, I could only assume he is not aware of the current state of inflation. Or the condition of the stock market. Or the value of the dollar. And while I’m not turning my nose up to “100k” (far from it!) any man trying to impress a woman might want to choose a number bigger than 100k.

I found the whole interaction sad, to be frank. Just what men and women have to do to get together now. I’ve written about it before. That woman sat there for over an hour, while this man just…vomited his sad game all over her. She never stood a chance, and I don’t think I ever heard her say one word.

I wonder if he got a second date. When I left, they were ordering kimchi. I think his chances were slim.



Have some Fun