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I was watching a movie where the protagonist collapses from a heart attack, and someone yells, “Quick, is there a doctor here?” The doctor rushes over, pushes friends and family out of the way, to kneel at the patient’s side. It was a dramatic cinematic moment, and it made me think what situations would necessitate someone yelling for me, as in “Please, is there an English teacher here?! This is an emergency!”

How about when New Jersey teenagers are using the word “like” every third word?

“Like, I know he, like, heard me, but, like, I’m not sure, like, what my grade is going to be, because, like, he’s not combining the homework, with the, like, classwork grades, so like, I’m, like, confused, as to what, like, to do, like.”

Commencement addresses? Instagram posts? How about whenever Kamala Harris opens her mouth to utter her moronic word salads?

(Kamala, you’re a disaster, and an embarrassment. Please fire your Communications’ Director, and call me. I can help you. Please stop talking, for the love of God).


Tomorrow is International Widow’s Day. This is a cause I believe in deeply, and one day plan to be more involved with. I am conducting research with a research group that conducts interviews with underserved, unseen, unsupported, and unmeasured widows all over the world. If you’re interested, or if you have ever treated a widow like she is a big, dumb, useless, stupid idiot, feel free to get yourself educated. Here’s the website:


If a piece of clothing has a tag on it that is a little book, telling the story of the manufacturer and her family and her genetic line, run, don’t walk. It’s too expensive. I was drawn to a cute nautical tank top in Nordstrom with this kind of tag, and the tank top was $395. You did not read that wrong. $400 for a tank top and a little tag book about Rag and Bone clothing.




Have some Fun