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Few things:

Lots of inquiries about my TED talk. What can I tell you, it takes TED a loooooong time to edit these talks. I guarantee they will not post it until it is perfect. When I get it, you’ll get it, so simmer down. It’s not like I’m hiding it. Sheesh. Don’t you think I want to start racking up views?

A friend texted me and asked me if I would ever personally confront Jordan Peterson about his comment about Yumi Nu, that is, if I were to meet him in person. Um, no. I’d be a coward, or I’d faint. I’m a huge fan of JP, like HUGE. I find him irresistibly charming, stoic, erudite and yummy. The older man thing, you see. But I’m still peeved at him. Beauty takes many different forms, and who is Jordan to say this young girl isn’t beautiful, just because she’s not a size 00? I’m not saying she should be on the cover, or that she shouldn’t be. I’m not a magazine editor. I’m simply saying beauty is relative. Oh, and newsflash: size 10 girls like wearing bikinis on the beach too, and look damn good doing it. Kudos to Sports Illustrated. If you found her girth distasteful, just flip to another page. Problem solved.

Things I’m loving right now:

The Zaha dress from Sophie Grace. Perfect for work, slimming and sexy. I have the blue.

“The Lincoln Lawyer” on Netflix. Based on the best-selling novels by Michael Connelly, this show stars Manuela Garcia-Ruffo as Mickey Haller, the best criminal defense lawyer in L.A. Ruffo is gorgeous in a nefarious way. If I can find some time and stop doing word finds and binge-watching “Seinfeld,” I want to get into it.

Skims. Thin, light undergarments for women. I’m a huge fan of smoothing undergarments when I work, even in the summer, and these provide smoothing without making you overly hot. Yummy. And they’re half the price of Spanx. Sara Blakely better stop taking trips into space with Elon Musk, and watch her product- it’s not what it used to be.

The new olive color of La Creuset. I want. But I don’t need. So I shan’t get. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if it made fiscal sense to buy every new La Creuset color when we wanted? Wah.

The Fruity-Dipped cone at Dairy Queen. I’m kidding, I don’t love this. Don’t waste your money or your time, it’s terrible. The outside “fruit” dip tastes like…wax lips. You know the wax lips “candy” that tasted like candle wax? Dairy Queen disappointed me, I was so looking forward to this new product. Yuk.

Catch you Wednesday.



Have some Fun